Acceptable Use Policy

This Acceptable Use Policy covers the products, services, and technology (collectively referred to as "Products") provided by Dincey Limited under any current agreements. It aims to protect us, our customers, and the entire internet community from unethical, irresponsible, and illegal activities.

Dincey Limited customers found engaging in activities prohibited by this Acceptable Use Policy may be held responsible for service suspension and account termination. In extreme cases, we may have a legal obligation to report such customers to the relevant authorities.

The policy was last reviewed on August 20, 2022.

Reasonable Use

We assume that your usage will be "business as usual" according to our quoted time schedule, and we provide our facilities accordingly. If your usage is deemed excessive, additional fees may be charged, or capacity may be limited.

We oppose all forms of abuse, discrimination, infringement of rights, and/or any behavior that harms or damages any group, individual, or resource. We expect our customers and, where applicable, their end-users ("End Users") to use our products with similar intent.

Customer Responsibility

We believe that our customers should be responsible for their own behavior and the behavior of anyone who uses our products under the customer's permission. This responsibility also applies to anyone who uses our products without authorization due to the customer's failure to take reasonable security measures.

By accepting our products, our customers agree to ensure that anyone using the products as an End User complies with this policy. Complaints about customer or End User behavior will be forwarded to the designated contact person for the relevant account.

If the customer - or their End User or anyone who uses our products due to the customer - violates our Acceptable Use Policy, we reserve the right to terminate any product associated with the violating account or the account itself, or take any remedial or preventive action that we deem appropriate without further notice. We will not refund any service interruptions caused by the violation of our Acceptable Use Policy to the extent permitted by law.

Prohibited Activities

Copyright Infringement and Unauthorized Access to Materials

Our products may not be used for transmitting, distributing, or storing any material that violates any applicable law. This includes but is not limited to:

• Any material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property rights used without proper authorization, and

• Any material that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes illegal threats, or violates export control laws.

Customers are solely responsible for all materials they enter, upload, disseminate, transmit, create, or publish through our products, as well as obtaining legal permission to use any works contained in such materials.

Other activities considered unethical, exploitative, and malicious include:

• Obtaining (or attempting to obtain) services from us to avoid payment;

• Using our facilities to obtain (or attempting to obtain) services from other providers to avoid payment;

• Unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction (or any attempt) of any information related to our customers or end-users in any way or device;

• Interfering with other customers or authorized individuals using our facilities and networks;

• Publishing or disseminating links content that incites violence, depicts violent behavior, depicts child pornography, or threatens anyone's health and safety;

• Any act or omission that violates consumer protection laws and regulations;

• Any behavior that violates personal privacy.

Any individual or entity involved or suspected of being involved in activities or reasons related to illegal gambling may not use our products; terrorism; drug trafficking; weapons trafficking or the proliferation, development, design, manufacture, storage, or use of nuclear weapons, chemical or biological weapons, weapons of mass destruction, or missiles; in each case, including any subordinate relationship with anyone else who supports such activities or businesses.

Unauthorized use of Dincey Limited's property

We prohibit impersonating Dincey Limited, representing important business relationships with Dincey Limited, or having any property (including our products and brands) of Dincey Limited to fraudulently obtain services, customization, sponsorship, or user trust.

About this policy

This policy outlines a non-exclusive list of activities and intentions that we consider unacceptable and incompatible with our brand.

We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time by posting a revised version on our website. The revised version will take effect from either:

• The date when customers use our products after we publish the revised version on the website; or

• 30 days after we publish the revised version on the website.

• This Chinese translation is for reference only. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English versions, the English original shall prevail.